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Activation of Light Fixtures in
Gas Station and Energy Saving

The problem:

The customer is a big gas company with many gas stations around the country.
It was found that in many stations, the lights were kept activated during the day.
Moreover, lighting of billboards located in the gas stations were often not working with no one paying attention.


Our solution:

Astronomical Clock – controller with a relay for turning the lights on and off automatically in order to save energy.
The controller contain the hours of sunset and sunrise for 30 years ahead.
Moreover, it's connected to current sensors that check the current consumption of the light fixtures.


Technical description of the controllers and the development:

The controller contain a relay which is connected to a 220V contactor. It also contain a switch that makes it possible to manually turn the lights on and off regardless of the Astronomical Clock. However, whenever someone is using the switch to turn on the lights, the controller sends an alert by E-mail to the central control room of the company.


It's possible to configure the controller to have a delay in turning the lights on and off – several minutes before or after the sunset or the sunrise and also to set up the area region in which the controller will be installed.


For gas stations that doesn't operate during weekends and holydays, it was configured that the lights will not turn on during these times.


The controller is connected to a current sensor in RS485 and is monitoring constantly the current of the light Fixtures.
If the current decrease below the level that was configured, the controller sends an alert by Email to the central control room of the company so a maintenance worker can be sent to the station in order to replace the damaged fixture.

gas station remote control light
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